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Tips to increase more traffic on your websites

Social media became a greater tool for companies to spread information and free advertisement for the products and services that a company offers. It became as well an avenue for the companies to create a gateway for more traffic on their company websites to gain more visitors and eventually turn into potential customers.  Building engaging posts on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter pages makes the social media audiences get enticed by what you offer, therefore, linking and redirecting to your company websites will generate more traffic.

However, aside from social media pages, there are still more ways to generate traffic on the company’s website, and here are some of our tips to share with you.

Optimize your website for random searches

Have you heard about Search Engine Optimization or SEO?  This is the way how the search engine (particularly Google) ranks the web links into what comes out first when making random searches via keywords when using the search bar in Google to find topics or sites relevant to the keyword selected. The keyword that is supposed to be used is generally used words for easy search. Google Analytics will search for the web pages and websites that have the most keywords based on the search that creates more visibility than the other thousand searches of the same search type. They also follow websites that have more web links which give more relevance to the search topic that makes it more factually reliable. The bottom line, ensure that your website has very functional keywords that are easily reliable for search options to gather more traffic on the website.

Create a clear, accommodating landing page for visitors

As we expect to gain more traffic on your website, the main landing page should be the most catching one. Ensure that the main page looks enticing and compact. The more that visitors see in one glance the purpose of the website, or if you are a selling website, you may show the best deal promotion or engaging posts to entice the visitors to browse more in-depth on your websites.

Help to drive more potential visitors through emails

Disseminating newsletter emails or promotional emails is also a great option to create traffic on your websites. Making a short, compact but informative email makes the people read and probably click the link that directs to your website. Just make sure that the message on your email is clear and concise on what exactly you offer to show on the website in order to avoid being ignored as it might get mistakenly found as a scam or spam email. 

Be more interactive on Social Media Pages

Yes, we are going back to the basics. We gain more potential website visitors from our own social media pages as well. The more your social media content is engaging and gains more followers, the more potential traffic it can create on your websites. You may do some promotions, and special offers from the social media pages and link the process of applying to your websites to gain more traffic. The more engaging your social media accounts are the higher chances of traffic on the websites.

Written By: Maria Nerizza Acero 

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