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Tips to come up with good “Selfies”​

Selfies became a norm for each and every one of us. When the smartphone was introduced and cameras were incorporated into the handsets, people became fascinated with taking photos of themselves anywhere and anytime. Moreover, when social media was released and filters were allowed to use for free, more people became very much into it and it became a major type of photography being shared through social media. Also, selfies became a social way to be connected to other people that show that you are doing well and you are happy.

But there are moments that we aren’t satisfied with how we look in our selfies, therefore here are the suggested tips on how to come up with good selfies.

·        Find a good angle

Selfies are often taken as a single shot of a person or by a group of people and who doesn’t love to look good in photos? Therefore, finding the right angle to come up with an ideal shot will be better. Tilt the camera into an angle so you see you look good by looking at the shape of the face and the body to have a better outcome.

·        Have a selfie in a good light area

Finding the right lighting will give you a greater effect on your selfie. The light effect will highlight your face and some bone areas to give you a shimmering effect and for a clearer photo.

·        Style your background

Of course, we love to come up with good selfies and not to look like an ID Picture taken in a studio, therefore, the background also matters. Finding and having a good backdrop while having a selfie is essential to have an add-on effect to our masterpiece.  

·        Give your greatest natural smiles

Selfies are more about showing our good mood and aside from having a right angle, good lights, and perfect background, your natural smile will some it all up. Most of the time, people will base the beauty of a selfie based on how good the smile is. A natural smile gives the best selfie ever.  You may also take multiple shots of selfies to capture the most perfect smile that you want to share on your social media.

·        Be confident

Confidence is manifested in your body language, especially when taking full-body selfies. Therefore, confidence is important in taking selfies. The more you feel confident, the better shots you can come up.

·        Find your good side

There are moments wherein you already did the most that you can in finding the right angle and smiling the way you think it’s perfect and yet you aren’t still satisfied with the outcome. Some people find themselves having a good side therefore, find your good side face in taking pictures. Take as many selfies as you want and get the best shot you may be proud of sharing.

Aside from knowing the ways on taking good selfies, having a good device for taking selfies is important too and we hope that we gave you more confidence in taking selfies with the tips that we provided.

Written By: Maria Nerizza Acero

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